Our highly motivated and growing team has fast become one of the ‘go to‘ broker teams across North American property. Today we are one of the top five producing brokers delivering premium USD450m. We pride ourselves on our broad range of experience allowing us to find the best fit solutions for our clients across the market. Our team based in London is fully integrated with the senior directors active in the market on a daily basis.
North American Property
We specialise in complex property insurance and reinsurance placements for wholesalers, retailers, insurers and risk managers.
We believe that speed and service should be a given so we always choose the team that best fits and understands your business needs adding value as well as consistency, and always striving to get our clients the best deal. Our teams are supported globally by other BMS teams offering market access to US facultative, Bermuda, London and European Capital Markets as well as leading modelling and actuarial capabilities.
"I've only become more satisfied with the service received from BMS over the years. The entire team is responsive, professional and incredibly knowledgeable about the markets and the specific accounts we are working on. They take ownership of their placements and add exceptional value."
Quote from BMS client survey
Our US client base includes:
Over $100bn of Real Estate
$250bn of Municipality & Schools business
Circa 400,000 Multifamily Units
30 Heavy process and mining risks
$50bn of Healthcare
20+ Forestry products accounts
$15bn of religious properties
A number of the largest pooling programmes across the US
$1.5bn State owned public transport systems
Two of the largest regional banking organisations in the US
One of the largest global food/cold storage insured
Utilities companies in conjunction with our energy team
Dedicated Brokers
Dedicated Account Executives
Claims Advocates
Dedicated Wordings Advocates
“The BMS Team I work with are hardworking, knowledgeable, and extremely responsive. They are also a joy to work with, fun and approachable.”
Quote from BMS client survey
Recent Successes
TIV – $230m / California*
Sugar Beet processing, long standing London account with EQ included at main processing plant. BMS place 90% of the Primary $100m layer utilising London and European markets.
TIV – $9bn / Nationwide
Member driven program. New account to London following non-renewal by 100% carrier. BMS placed 40% across all layers of the program utilising a combination of Property and Energy markets in London, Europe and Bermuda.
TIV – $11bn / Nationwide
BMS were appointed on this existing London placement. BMS utilised expertise from US, Caribbean and Reinsurance teams to access global markets binding $325m of capacity.
School District
TIV – $15bn / Westcoast
Newly formed shared limits program in wildfire exposed locations with historic losses. London capacity able to support 40% of primary placement as well as $35m in a buffer layer position.