
BMS Group Ltd is a London based Lloyd’s broker authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (Firm Registration Number 309686). Registered in England 1479949. BMS Group Ltd operates under a number of trading names (BMS Harris & Dixon Marine, BMS Re, BankServe, BankServe Insurance Services, BMS Fac, BMS Global Risks and BMS Energy).

BMS Finpro Ltd is an appointed representative of BMS Group Ltd which is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority.

BMS North American Marine Ltd is an appointed representative of BMS Group Ltd which is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority.

BMS Iberia’s UK branch (BMS Mediacion Iberia Correduria de Seguros y Reaseguros, S.L.U. UK branch) of One America Square, London EC3N 2LS is Authorised and Regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority, FRN 979196. Registered in England at One America Square, London, EC3N 2LS (No. FC035750) Accredited Lloyd’s Broker.

BMS Intermediaries Inc is a US licensed Reinsurance Intermediary Broker headquartered in Minnesota and registered in Texas 156302700. BMS Latin America LLC is a division of BMS Intermediaries Inc. BMS Intermediaries, Inc. also operates as BMS Re US. BMS Latin America LLC registered in Florida L15000165765.

BMS Canada Risk Services Ltd is a Canadian Insurance Broker registered in Ontario 863268157. Lions Gate Underwriting Agency is a trading name of BMS Canada Risk Services Ltd.

BMS Risk Solutions Pty Ltd is licensed by the Australian Securities Commission as an insurance broker (Australian Financial Services Licence No. 461594) Registered with Australian Business Number 161 187 980.

BMS Capital Advisory Inc is registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission as a broker-dealer (Central Registration Depository No. 169092) headquartered in New York and registered in Delaware 5382215.

BMS Capital & Risk Advisory Bermuda Ltd. Registered in Bermuda 20220888.

BMS Capital & Risk Advisory Ltd. Registered in England 13816548. BMS Capital & Risk Advisory Limited is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (No. 973945).

BMS Bermuda Limited is licensed as an insurance broker by the Bermuda Monetary Authority. Registered in Bermuda 32813.

BMS Mediación Iberia, Correduría de Seguros y Reaseguros, S.L.U. (CIF B-88053186) is a Spanish (re)insurance broker registered with the Dirección General de Seguros y Fondos de Pensiones with Licenses No. J-3606 (direct insurance) and RJ-0081 (reinsurance).

BMS Asia Risk Solutions Pte. Ltd is registered by the Monetary Authority of Singapore as a direct insurance broker and a general reinsurance broker. 61 Robinson Road #09-05 Singapore 068893. Incorporated in Singapore (UEN & GST Registration Number: 202017234M). Switchboard: +65 6230-7980.

BMS Asia (Hong Kong) Limited, is registered by the Hong Kong Insurance Authority as a licensed insurance intermediary (License No.: GB1023). 20/F Leighton Centre, 77 Leighton Road, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong. Incorporated in Hong Kong (72008145). Switchboard: +852 3579 5490.

BMS Korea Inc. is registered by the Financial Supervisory Services of Korea as a direct insurance broker and a general reinsurance broker. BMS Korea Inc. Incorporated in Korea (License No.: 2021051803)

BMS Japan K.K. is a registered non-life general insurance and reinsurance broker (No. 83 Kanto Local Finance Bureau, Ministry of Finance). Pacific Century Place 13F, 1-11-1 Marunouchi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo.

Incorporated in Tokyo (Corporate Number: 0104-01-165444 & QII No. T5010401165444)

BMS Brasil Corretora de Resseguros Ltda is authorised as a Reinsurance Intermediary by the Superintendência de Seguros Privados. Registered in Brazil 35237409088.

BMS Group Sigorta ve Reasürans Brokerliği Anonim Şirketi. Licensed for insurance, reinsurance and life insurance broking activities by the Sigortacılık ve Özel Emeklilik Düzenleme ve Denetleme Kurumu “SEDDK”. Registered with the Istanbul Trade Registry under registration number 281930-5.

PWS México Intermediario de Reaseguro, S.A. de C.V.. Registration Number 259111.

Calomex Intermediario de Reaseguro, S.A. de C.V. Registration number 207,901.


In the event that you wish to make a complaint you should contact the office you dealt with, contact information for all of our offices can be located on the Find an Office page. Should you remain dissatisfied with the response that you receive from us, you may, if the matter relates to a Lloyd’s policy, refer your complaint to them. Lloyd’s will investigate the matter and provide a final response. Lloyd's contact details are as follows:

One Lime Street
London EC3M 7HA
Telephone: +44 (0)20 7327 5693
Fax: +44 (0)20 7327 5225

In the UK, for BMS Group Ltd only, ultimately, should you remain dissatisfied with the final response to your complaint, you may, if eligible, refer your complaint to the Financial Ombudsman Service (FOS). The Financial Ombudsman Service is an independent service in the UK for settling disputes between consumers and businesses providing financial services.

The FOS’s contact details are as follows:

Financial Ombudsman Service

Exchange Tower
E14 9SR

Telephone: +44 (0)300 123 9 123

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Criminal Finances Act 2017

Statement of Commitment

BMS conducts its business with integrity and transparency and we are committed to ensure we adhere to all relevant laws and regulations including the UK Criminal Finances Act 2017 for the prevention of the facilitation of tax evasion. We recognise the importance of fostering a positive culture of tax compliance and maintaining the confidence of our clients, markets, business partners and relevant tax authorities.

We do not find acceptable any practice leading to the facilitation of criminal tax evasion, whether directly by our employees, agents, suppliers, contractors, consultants or stakeholders along with their employees or via any other associated person carrying on services for or on our behalf.

We have appropriate and reasonable tax evasion prevention procedures in place to enable us to comply with the requirements of the UK Criminal Finances Act 2017.

We provide training on the requirements of the Criminal Finances Act 2017 to all of our employees and we require our employees to demonstrate the highest standards of honesty at all times.

We undertake due diligence on all our associated persons to help mitigate the risk of facilitation of tax evasion offences and we expect those that we do business with to meet their obligations to register and account for all relevant premium taxes, Para fiscal taxes and other levies that they are responsible for.

We will not work with others who do not share our commitment to preventing the facilitation of tax evasion.